Zac Posen was born on October 24, 1980, do the math, he is all of 29 years old which is relatively young to be quite an established designer. He is actually an American designer (those are very rare to find) and emerged as one of fashions newest stars in 2002. This was the year that his captivatingly feminine dresses first made their way onto New York's runway. Even in his early
years Posen earned complimentary critiques of his work on the pages of high-fashion magazine Vogue and other well-read magazines as well. He has been hailed as the fashion design's newest prodigy as well as the one who could save American fashion from the ever-slumping sales it had been receiving over the past decade. He is a native New Yorker whose entry into the fashion arena had been pushed along through connections with well-known people in the worlds of art and film. While he was in high school he had always been good in math but was always drawn to visual arts. He had designed the costumes for school plays and continued to create, for
himself, unusual outfits by way of thrift stores and other little shops to take home and put the "finishing touches" on. When he was 15 he landed his first design commission and around 1996 he landed an internship at the prestigious Costume Institute of the
Metropolitan Museum of Arts in New York. In 2004 he teamed up with Diddy (YES! THAT DIDDY!) for a different business venture. Diddy decided to invest money (how much is undisclosed) into Posen's company which many saw as a wise move for Posen. It is very evident that Diddy has many connections with different markets and this could help take Posen's ever-rising company to an even higher level.
Ok, enough of that, lol. I just love his collections I mean REALLY. The pictures that I am showing are JUST from his Spring 09 collection and there were more but I did not want to use up a whole page showing them so if you
would like to look at more go to and that is where I got these pictures from. It is an awesome site and if you cant find a designer on there then I do not know what to tell you! I love the softness and very feminine qualities all his pieces from this collection consisted of. Im not going to say I loved EVERY piece but I will say it was about 95% for real. The thing I really like was the fact that, hope this does not come off badly, it looks like things we could possibly find in regular low-cost retail stores. Not saying it looks cheap or anything because you can clearly
see the quality. What I am getting at is the fact that some of the looks could be closely matched to something you could go pick up right out of a store if you could not afford one of his pieces. It reaches out to those, like me, who cannot afford this type of clothing but LOOOVEE it. It does not go so high-end that we, the "commoners" *lol*, would not dream of wearing it because it looks, do I dare say, grandma-ish (cough, Chanel, cough). For this, I am putting Zac Posen on my designers to watch list because I believe he has so much potential to really be a powerhouse in the fashion world if he keeps up what he has been doing.
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