I know this movie is so old but I just loved it, isnt that every girls fantasy? Live a life of prostitution and so happen to be the lucky one that gets swept off her feet by a rich, successful business man. Dreams really do come true. LOL, let me stop! Ok, I have seen so many thigh high boots on the gossip sites on celebs and on the runways so I had to post a trend alert. I use to want some of these when I first seen Pretty Woman I wanted a pair
sooo bad, (not when it first came out, because I believe it came out in 1990) but my mom would get me a pair! I know I was only about 8 I think, but that is NO EXCUSE LOL. Well, moving on, as I said this trend is becoming more and more prevalent on the runways with designers decking their models out in them. It may be because they are moving into the fall season, but i doubt that is the ONLY reason. Its been almost 20 years since the dawn of Pretty Woman and her "hooker" boots but they are slowly making their way back on the scene of things. I dont know if the general population has lost that stipulation behind these boots as being "prostitut-ish" ( i am very aware that it is not a word) so I do not know how well this will sit or if everyone will latch on to this look. I personally like it for certain situations and by this I mean that they look good with certain looks. They are definatly NSFW (not suitable for
work) if you work in a professional, upscale environment. I feel that they are too fly and flashy to be walking around and into office meetings with. If you do not know how to pinpoint which looks go best with these boots, then just look at how some (and emphasis on SOME because lady gaga, ummmmmm, let me leave that alone. The pic is definately for demonstrative purposes.) celebs are wearing them or how they are paired with outfits on the runway. But be reminded that not ALL the looks are appropriate for everyday wear. Runways are still a production so some things are definately exaggerated and not meant for everyday wear so be careful. I am putting this on a trend list because designers (whether we want to admit it or not) create the trends, not necessarily celebs like most believe and since they are sashay-ing down the runway in thigh highs, they may just be the new fall trend. 

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