Ok, the thing that is buggin me today is the fact that people think that just because something is "name brand" or expensive, it automatically becomes "cute". I do not understand when people get this idea that the more expensive it gets, the more aesthetically pleasing it gets. I mean, I understand that people like different things and it may just be expensive. I also know that there are plenty of items that are outrageously priced that if I had the money I would buy. At the same time, are we lustin after these items because of what they represent-financial security, status? Or do we look at them and want them because we generally like them and want it because, face it, more expensive things tend to be made better? If you answered yes to question one, then this rant is for you. Lets look at ourselves and see why we need these things and why it is soooo important to have name brand things. And Im not just talkin bout RocaWear, AppleBottoms, BabyPhat or any other urban brands (and if you are over 22 and stick to wearin these labels..that is a WHOLE other rant for YOU! lets step our game up a little bit), but LV, Gucci, Fendi, Prada, Armani, blah blah blah! There are individuals who only buy name brand because they are just that and there are those who think that being made by a certain designer just gives it the green light to be cute. Let me clear this up now, that mentality is just bizarre to me. I believe if you have it, go head and get it. If you have it and you want it solely to try and "flaunt" then there is really something wrong, deeper than skin but it is borderline becoming mental. What approval are you seeking? What need is only being fulfilled by a $1,000 price tag? Humm... well, i shall digress
LMAO!!!!!! O wow, this is just WRONG on sooo many levels. Ok, the guys wearing pink phase has been dead and gone for a while, but to add a floral suit jacket to it, o wow. Im still just dying of laughter. This is why people should reference check their stylist and if he did it himself, he NEEDS a stylist ASAP!! o lord, give ME a call.. im unemployed! This just goes to show that it does not matter how big (or how big you use to be) in the industry, you are still subject to fatal, tragic mistakes!

and bands of color woven into or dyed onto fabric'. That is the jist of plaid. lol. Im keeping on the still hot list because I mean as you can see with Teyana Taylor, Rihanna (even tho that is an older pic of her, i jus LOOOVVVEEE that plaid jacket..o dear jesus), Beyonce and Megan Good it is still being worn. And we all know that celebs have to (even tho some of them dont) keep up with the trends and what is current at the times. I do not see this trend going anywhere immediately but I would not put it past a year and half tops! *im going to come back and look at this to see if im right, because this is jus MY opinion, could be wrong*. I do because although there has been more and more people wearing it, it HAS been around for a while. A good way to see if it is moving out or not, just go to the store and pick up fashion mags, or you can go to designers collections (i.e, we are in spring so you can look at their fall 2009 or spring 2010 collections) and see if plaid is still being used. Designers usually start their collections a year (at least) before it is to be released so if you are not seeing a lot of it, you might wanna start packin the plaid up. NOT saying this is a definite way but its a suggestion. The thing with trends is that, its just that- a trend. It does not stay around for super long unlike the basics such as woven shirts, jeans, skirts, flats, stillettos- they stay around because they are "generic", will be used continuously, just designed in different ways.
My girl hit me on twitter to do a post on earring necklaces. I had already knew what she was talkin bout soon as I read it because I had seen them for the first time ever (along with most of the free world) on Rihanna at the beginning of this month on theybf.com (my favorite gossip site!). I saw them, liked them but did not think much of them until I really started to research them for this post. These are called "earlaces" because they are an earring and a necklace.
I liked these earrings (not the rest of the outfit, rih rih was slippin! even tho I still had her as
one of my fashionistas) but I had ALREADY knew that they were not going to be liked by everyone. And I was right. A lot of sites have put this look down *along with her outfit* and, when reading the responses, saw that many everyday people were not feeling it either. I think these earrings are so different its ridiculous and that is what I look for, something that you are not going to see walking down every street corner. If it were like that, then what would be the purpose of doing this? I understand that not everyone is going to jump on the look, but regarding it as gawdy or just plain ugly is jumping the gun as well. The thing that people need to know about fashion is that just because YOU would not wear it does not make it ugly. There are plenty of things that top designers put out *as I look through their runway collections* that I do not particularly care for, but to say they are ugly just because I do not care for them is ignorant. It is about being original and standing out from the say, 20,000 other designers trying to make it in the SAME field.
Now, I digress. These earrings had the entire fashion world hunting down the designer because this look, according to Marie Claire has "never been seen before in the world of accessories". And she has been found! She is a designer by the name of Dechel Mckillion and is based out of L.A. I found her, FINALLY (I was looking for 30 min on these earrings) on Rihannadaily.com and saw that she has her own site called spacelitevintage.com where you can purchase a pair for $60 which is not bad. Above are the pictures of the designer wearing the designs herself. There really is not much information on this designer at all, my apologies, but I am definately putting her on my designer watch list just in case she springs up. I would def be careful rockin these though because one good tug or club fight can completely destroy your earlobes, so these are NOT for those fight club type girls (stef, Im lookin at you sideways because you almost there! lol).
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Leggings are "a form of skin tight trousers, a tighter version of the capris ending at the mid-calf or near the ankle" came into fashion in the 60's. They have become wildly popular today but to think of them as being "new" or such, is just not true. They have been used in many different ways throughout its

Skinny leg jeans have been in commission for quite some time now. They have went through several decades of being in, then going out and so on. The first era was in the 50s where the style originated. They were popularized by stars such as Roy Rogers and Marilyn Monroe by wearing their jeans very close to the ankles. When Elvis Presley began wearing them, they became associated with "bad boys" and rock n roll. In the 70s the "glam rock" style began and began rockin skinny leg in contrast to the flared-leg style worny by the hippies. They fit tightly and were adorned with zippers and mismatched patches. In the 80s, styles of acid-wash skinny leg denim were popular with heavy metal bands. They were for those who did not want to wear spandex that, at the time, were linked with glam rock and were often worn with high tops. As the grunge genre rose along with hip hop in the beginning of the 90s, skinny jeans faded into the background. However, some people still wore them as a way to rebel or be seen as "old school". They have made their comeback into the mainstream of America for a while now. They started coming back, from what I remember, in late 2006 if I had to say. They seem to not be going aaannyyywhere right now! Unless they come out with a hotter pant (well, the paper bag trouser seems to be gaining some momentum) then they will be around for a while longer. Can you imagine the flare coming back?? *ugh* (pictured above, Kim Kardashian; below: Megan Fox and Beyonce)
This look came about in the 80's during the, you guessed it, popularizing movie Flashdance. This look consisted of one sleeve being drooped past the shoulder for an off the shoulder look they we still see today. They were put on with leggings (as you still see today. It is like they are takin the 80's back by STORM!) or really tight jeans (skinny jeans) or over a miniskirt. Oversized or off the shoulder shirts have been manipulated in so many ways. The original look started with girls wearing big sweaters and cutting the necklines so that they are drooped over (unless they came that way) but now, they are just having the look modified so that the shirt is more form fitting and one shoulder is more drooped than the other which creates the same look. You really dont see it in its original form but the concept is still going on. It is not a wildly popular trend,even though the look has been back in effect for a couple years now but it may have the ability to really take hold as the one-shoulder movement is catching fire right now. (pictured to right: chanel iman, below: victoria beckham and cassie)

Some are going to hate me for this post but i dont care! lol. Im sorry, high waist jeans are officially PLAYED OUT!! sorry! If you are still rockin them, please report them BACK to your closet immediately and tuckt them away til they, perhaps, come back in style. Kelis busted a pair of stonewashed empire-waist (that is the "official name" lol) jeans out in her video "Bossy" and that is when the trend officially started (i tried to look for confirmation on this, but there was none. I do not care, wasnt NOOOOOOBODY wearing high-waist jeans before this video). I was NOT feeling them in that video, I thought they were ugly and old fashion (which they were, they were in style in the 70s). But this is when empire waist jeans took OFF!!! They were selling them everywhere and everyone was wearing them! I admit I got on the trend even after hating them originally, they were cute and with the right shirt and shoes (KEYWORD: RIGHT). And when they came out with the shorts, O MY GOD!! They had a good run, but I am officially putting them on played out! Jessica Simpson is the one that solidified the fact that the high waist movement was THROUGH! Im sorry, no offense, it just really did it for me with them. I know they were talking about her weight and everything, but I'm just talking about the look entirely. I seen this girl in my church this past week with them on and that prompted my further quest to make sure the world knew that this trend was DEAD! I loved the look, some looked better in them than others, and all that jazz but it is time for us to say so long to these jeans. If you still have a pair, we are going to throw our lighters up and sing a farewell song.


Ok, I have been keeping my mouth shut on the subject but my lips cannot help but to part NOW!! Today I am touching on the subject of "knock-offs", ok, to those who do not know- a knock off is an imitation of another highly popularized brand (i.e- Coach, Fendi, LV, Prada,Gucci- blah, blah, blah). I was watching an episode of Sex in the City last night and it was about Samantha buying this knock-off Fendi purse while they were vacationing in L.A (ok, sidenote- i love sex in the city now and cant wait til the next movie comes out). This got me thinking, why would Samantha need to buy a fake purse, she seemed to have enough money to buy a real one. Then that was IT! SEEMED! This was probably because first, she was white, lived in NY, had "rendevous's" with successful men and all that other stuff. That led to me to notice that when we are walking down the street or in the mall, why do we not question if a purse is real if it is hanging off a white woman's arm, but soon as a minority has one on, we automatically assume it is a fake? Maybe its just ME (but I know its not). But that isnt even the real subject of my rant because I believe that it not ONLY is race but HOW you wear the purse. I am not against knock-offs *fake it til you make it girl* because i have one. But in certain situations I NEVER wear it such as- i go to a high end mall (pass a LV store or Gucci store with a fake, they WILL notice it and probably talk mess), go to a highly populated place (i.e-the amusement park or club- someone MAY think its real and try and get me but mainly because it will be a WHOLE zoo of people with knock-offs too) or when I'm running common errands. I mean, I see women with all kinds of designer purses with head-wraps on, broke-down slippers with crusted ankles, torn t-shirts, too-tight- heavily worn jeans with a tear that is NOT part of the design, WHO ARE YOU FOOLING?? MY GOD, it comes down to presentation! If you are going to rock a purse that is an imitation of a $2,000 one, PLEASE look like you can afford it because if you dont, that is like the first clue its not real. Im sorry but it is the truth. I do not wear my knock-off to run to do menial errands because I do not look my best and know that no one will believe me! I do have a small LV purse that is real (its old though) that I wear whenever because I know its real so I dont trip. The point of my rant is not to shun knock-offs, it is to educate those who choose to wear them on HOW to wear them. I do not care if you say it dont matter, YES IT DOES because you would NOT have ran out to buy that imitation knowing their is hundreds of stores that carry cute, non-designer purses. That is why we dont question white women- its not only a mental thing saying that white women can afford it (which I wouldnt be surprised if half of their's was fake) but its that if we do see them they are dressed like they could. NOT SAYING ALL MINORITIES DONT LOOK THE PART- I, ME, MYSELF, PERSONALLY, have witnessed a lot that didnt and that is just my rant for the day