Some are going to hate me for this post but i dont care! lol. Im sorry, high waist jeans are officially PLAYED OUT!! sorry! If you are still rockin them, please report them BACK to your closet immediately and tuckt them away til they, perhaps, come back in style. Kelis busted a pair of stonewashed empire-waist (that is the "official name" lol) jeans out in her video "Bossy" and that is when the trend officially started (i tried to look for confirmation on this, but there was none. I do not care, wasnt NOOOOOOBODY wearing high-waist jeans before this video). I was NOT feeling them in that video, I thought they were ugly and old fashion (which they were, they were in style in the 70s). But this is when empire waist jeans took OFF!!! They were selling them everywhere and everyone was wearing them! I admit I got on the trend even after hating them originally, they were cute and with the right shirt and shoes (KEYWORD: RIGHT). And when they came out with the shorts, O MY GOD!! They had a good run, but I am officially putting them on played out! Jessica Simpson is the one that solidified the fact that the high waist movement was THROUGH! Im sorry, no offense, it just really did it for me with them. I know they were talking about her weight and everything, but I'm just talking about the look entirely. I seen this girl in my church this past week with them on and that prompted my further quest to make sure the world knew that this trend was DEAD! I loved the look, some looked better in them than others, and all that jazz but it is time for us to say so long to these jeans. If you still have a pair, we are going to throw our lighters up and sing a farewell song.

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