Posted 12:39 PM


Rock&Republic is an jean company based in the U.S (yes! there are American designers with The company was founded in 2002 by Michael Ball (we have the same last name, wonder if we are related? maybe i can get some tuition paid) and the presided over by his good friend Andrea Berholtz. Michael originally gained experience in the designing world by creating the designs for his former cycling team which he was involved with. To be a relatively new label, it is gaining a lot of noteriety and establishing itself well amongst its target audience. Rock&Republic has gained a lot of momentum over the

years, growing more and more popular as it was originally being carried in small boutiques and now moving to large dept. such as Nordstrom, Bloomingdales, Neiman Marcus, Bergdorf Goodman and Lord & Taylor. We have come to know them as a jean brand mostly but I am not going to focus on their jeans because if you have not heard about them by sorry. *well, quick synopsis- their jeans are the ones with the back to back R's on the pockets, sold in urban and rock stores and range from $160 to $400. You can check out their online store and if you like their jeans you can purchase a pair or

try and find sites that carry them at a discounted price. You can even try to search ebay for a pair, but watch out for fakes! Ebay has a great guide to buying them- check it out:* Ok, my goal for this was to introduce those to another aspect of the company. Although their jeans are really driving the company in the mainstream light, they have a complete line of clothing including women's dresses, suits, jackets and a whole men's line as well. I mean, I was aware that there was more of a line than just jeans but looking at their past 6 runway shows, I did not know that they had such a diverse line (these photos are from from 2009 collection). I

wanted to present the different things that R&R had to offer because I think it is a very creative line and really blends trends of the time in their own way. They assess what is hot at the moment and put their own take on it to make it into that "punk-rock" type look but could *and most likely would* be worn by many different types of people. I love how they can take one style or pattern and make it work several different ways (a dress, a top, leggings, ect.). I mean, a lot of designers do that but i have not liked it the way I have liked R&R way of doing it. It is like some try to hard to make it different, and can make it OUTRAGEOUS and would not be something a normal, everyday person would wear. Rock & Republic is a brand that is really taking off and making a name for themselves among so many other labels that have been around even longer. We just hope they dont fade into the background like so many labels today are beginning to do.
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