Posted 10:22 AM
jackie o,


Jacqueline Lee Bouvier was born on July 28, 1929 in the South Hamptons of New York. Of course she got the Kennedy in her name from her former husband John F. Kennedy who was the 35th President of the United States before being assassinated during his term in office. Mrs. Kennedy was one of the most popular first ladies that has ever graced the White House. She was a complete 180 from the first ladies that came

before her because she was also among the youngest since Kennedy was among the youngest Presidents. But what we most famously remember the o so lovely Jackie for is her sense of style that was brought to the white house and cast upon the world as she stayed in the spotlight thanks to her position. From elegant evening dresses, to short-skirt business dresses, to jeans and her patent (i swear she was the first one wearing these even though they are popular today) big, black sunglases. She showed the world she could conform to it all! While looking just as lovely in each outfit. Her sense of style has remained her legacy even beyond her death on May 19, 1994. Miss Jackie O (which strange because Onassis comes from her second husbands last name, but we so famously remember her for being married to Kennedy. Guess it just has a better ring lol) has brought a style to the white house that all first ladies after her have strived to reach the bar that was set so high. Many have failed, some have tried quite amicably but im sorry, i dont think any have come to touch the grace and style that was Miss Jackie Kennedy-Onassis

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