I am going to start off saying that I love Marilyn Monroe. She was a horrid actress and couldn't sing a lick (Im sorry she couldnt I have heard her sing and watched a couple of her movies)

but her style, fashion sense, and general sex appeal made the world love her. Marilyn Monroe was born Norma Jean Mortenson on June 1, 1926 in LA to Gladys Baker. Her mother was later committed to a mental institution forcing Norma to spend most of her childhood going from foster home to orphanages until 1937. *Ok, jump a few years* (if you want her WHOLE life story look it up yourself). She dyed her hair blonde then changed her name to Marilyn Monroe to make it big in Hollywood. She later married Joe DiMaggio (second husband, first one she divorced). After a while their marriage started to fall apart as he could not handle her fame and sexual image and they later divorced. She was found dead in her home on August 5, 1962 with 30 films under her belt and being always synonymous with beauty and sexuality.

Marily Monroe is one of my fashionistas because she did the opposite of what women were doing at the time. She took the faux pas of women sexuality and threw it away and with it the ties of what was socially acceptable for women. Her sensuality was reflected time and time again in the way she chose to adorn her body in fashion. Her look of sexiness back then is our equivalent to a woman dressing provacatively today. But, personally, looking back at her many, many pictures, I see

sexy, classy (even though it was considered outright raunchy back then). It is the look that more and more women are going for today, they want that balance. The sexiness of the long, plunging neck and backless dresses she wore in the past have been kept alive by many designers today opting for the classic sexy woman. I look at her and do not see the raunchy, sex-driven woman that many of her time see. I see this gorgeous woman being herself, loving and embracing her sexuality while showing the world that she could still exude sheer sexiness even under a huge fur coat.
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