<-- NOW THESE RIGHT HERE!!! Jesus in heaven I want them SOOOO bad!! LOOk at the spikes people! Janet (miss jackson) had some on in an behind-the-scenes episode of Tyra during her tour that looked JUST, well as close as possible, like these. See this is why I do this, because WHERE can you find some shoes like these? Bebe, Agaci, Wet Seal, OLD NAVY? NO!!! You could find Pour La Victoire on Nextag, Piperlim, Zappos and Bluefly.
I ordered some shoes JUST like these but in black from DSW and did not like them. I mean, They were only about $70 but I just know these Pascale probably would be better. I mean, I liked the DSW kind but they just came and looked cheap! Like the leather, or pleather, just looked strange and this is reason why sometimes, extra money on a good shoe will take you a long way.
Pour La Victoire has the potential to become a powerhouse in the fashion industry. It mixes the styles we love and see around the industry with a price we could possibly afford (this style I found was $324 @ Amazon.com). I genuinely like this brand because it doesnt do anything OUTRAGEOUS when trying to be different but takes the styles from the BIG POWERHOUSES and makes it his own beautifully.

I just adored these Bianca style shoes. I thought they were so creative and could easily be transferred from the workplace, to the club and back into church (dont act like you guys dont do that). I think that they are goreously designed in an intertwined, basket-weaving type way that creates a simple but chic look to it.
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