I completely realize that everyone
has a different styleand
there is nothing wrong. I admire some of those who march
to their own beat, not conforming to the "trends" ALL
the time. My goal for this blog is to bring attention todifferent
styles and designers that some may like, others may notand
vice versa. *yes, it is a little biased on styles Ilike*. So like stated,
YOU MAY LIKE IT, MAYBE NOT.. it is just something to bringthose
who have trouble finding things they like just like i do sometimes
I completely realize that everyone
has a different styleand
there is nothing wrong. I admire some of those who march
to their own beat, not conforming to the "trends" ALL
the time. My goal for this blog is to bring attention todifferent
styles and designers that some may like, others may notand
vice versa. *yes, it is a little biased on styles Ilike*. So like stated,
YOU MAY LIKE IT, MAYBE NOT.. it is just something to bringthose
who have trouble finding things they like just like i do sometimes

I don't know anyone who is living that does not know or have heard of this store. BEBE-> founded in 1976 by Manny Mashouf in San Francisco as a little boutique. From then on, it has been a powerhouse, rivaling with some of the heads of the fashion industry and this may be because they offer the looks of Dior, Herve Leger and Gucci for prices that are WAY less.

Now I am not sayin that they are just the cheapest place on earth. One dress could run you $200 and most of their jeans start at $120!! But you cannot deny that the looks in their are the same that the celebrities are wearing. Having bought all of 5 things from bebe in my LIFE, i understand that they are pricey but i CAN tell you that the quality is THERE!!! And that is the faux pas to live by- YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!! If you wanna spend $20 on a dress, then go head cuz BELIEVE ME, im not above that for a quick night out. However, do not get mad if you bought some cheap, $15 shoes and the heel break off walkin into the club!
Bebe is definately one of the trendiest stores, I walked in and there and loved almost everything. I had to walk out before i went into a state of depression 'cause I was not supposed to spend money (i have a habit but im unemployed!). But if you dont take my word for it you can visit there site at http://www.bebe.com/.
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